Well these little eggs started my new neurotic behavior!
Sulliven loves birds so we have been doing a lot of bird watching these days. So when this nest appeared in one of our bushes we were more than delighted. Unfortunately it is the bush by our front door. So obviously I have become really crazy about staying off the porch and no one using our front door.
I have done research on how long it would take for them to hatch how much food they need and how cold they can get. All kinds of things.

They hatched a couple of days ago so now I am extra neurotic about it. We have a window in the Spare bedroom I can look out right at the nest. So I know when the mom is feeding and when she is out looking for food. If she takes to long or is away to long I worry! I also worry that something will happen to the babies.
The mom and dad take turns feeding through out the day. One comes and feeds the other goes to find more and this rotation continues for most of the day.
I don't let my husband even go close to the front door anymore or even step on the front porch.
It's been really cool to watch them grow but also very stressful for me.
Sulliven loves it though. He learned how to say nest and hatch. We also got some new bird feeders and a few new houses to put up. We are really going to turn into crazy bird watcher people. Haha!
Dane was not sure about all the feeders but he loves it to. He will say "any takers today?" And stand in the window and watch.
It's been so interesting to see what birds come and eat. Sulliven smiles and says bird bird bird. He loves it very much.
So I will deal with my new neurotic behavior and try not to let it develop into something more. Haha.
-until our next adventure