Saturday, February 9, 2013

The show must go on

Life and adventures of a Midwest mama entail many things. What you may ask well first and foremost I am a mama and a wife (those two are obviously my favorite) then I am also a cosmetologist, artist and a Stella and dot stylist.
Tomorrow one of my adventures will be hosting a trunk show as a stylist. I have had an amazing time being a stylist for Stella and Dot! I have been doing it now for almost two years. I love to help people find that one great piece of jewelry.

I also like helping people find the right outfit to pair with each look. I have done a few house calls to pair just the right thing with an outfit. One example is I have a client who was going on a cruise and wanted to make sure each outfit had something Stella and Dot paired with it. So I ran over with my bag of jewels and helped her pick things for each outfit. It is for sure a fun adventure.
So tonight that is what's on the brain. My adventure tomorrow in Stella and Dot land! I have a link on Facebook to the show or you can check it out via my web site. The show must go on and so shall bath time. Sulliven and I are off to go do bath time.
As always if you have questions feel free to ask.
Sulliven's favorite products will be coming up soon. He is still trying to narrow down his favorites. He of course will not be talking beauty products. Instead he will have picked toys, clothes and maybe a few other little goodies that are great for little guys or gals.

-until our next adventure

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